Tour Dates
Check and see if the Carl Webb Band is coming to a town near you! We are always updating our tour dates and booking new venues so check back often.
The Deck
Carl and Tom
My beautiful wife Sanjuanita and me!
Billy's Lounge
Grand Armory Brewery, Grand Haven
2024 Schedule
Nov. 8th, Hops 84 East, Duo
Holland, 8-11 pm
Nov. 10th, Cedar Springs Brewery
12:30-2:30pm, Duo
11/15, G. H. Eagles
8:30-11:30 pm, Band
Nov. 16th, Grand Armory Brewery, 6:30-9:30pm, duo
11/22, Book Nook,
7-9 pm, duo
12/4 - Private party
12/5, Horrock's Market
12/5, Horrock's Market
in Grand Rapids,
6-9 pm, duo
Dec. 6th, Pub 111 8-11pm
Dec. 13th, Hops 84 East,
Holland, 8-11 pm
12/14- North Shore Brewery in Montague
7-9 pm duo
Dec. 19th, Cedar Springs Brewery
12/20-G.H. Eagles
8:30-11:30 pm band
12/27- Lucy's in G. H.
7-9 pm duo
12/28- Hops 84 East
Holland 8-11 pm duo
1/3, Horrocks Market
in Grand Rapids
6-9 pm, duo
1/10, Archival Brewery in
Comstock Park
6-9 pm, duo
1/17,Grand Armory Brewing
6:30-8:30 pm, duo
1/18- Lucy's in G. H.
7-9 pm duo
1/31, Ludington Bay Brewy, 6-9 pm duo
2/4- Walker Library in N. Muskegon 6:30 - 7:30 pm trio
2/7- G. H. Eagles
8-11:30 pm band
2/14- Pub 111 in Whitehall 8-11 pm
2/22- Lucy's in G. H.
7-9 pm duo
3/14- Hops 84 East
Holland, 8-11 pm duo
3/21- G. H. Eagles
8-11:30 pm band
3/28- Grand Armory
Brewery 6:30-9:30 pm
Cedar Springs Brewery, with Paul and Big Jerry
Me thru the ages
WGHN Summer Concerts Grand Haven